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Hyunjun Kim
Ph.D. : UNIST, Urban and Environmental Engineering, 2020
B.S. : UNIST, Urban and Environmental Engineering, 2014
2022.08-Current : Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Department of Civil Engineering, Assistant Professor
2021.03-2022.07 : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Postdoctoral Researcher
2020.03-2021.02 : Sungkyunkwan University, School of Civil, Architectural Engineering and Landscape Architecture, Postdoctoral Researcher
Research Areas
Structural Health Monitoring, Computer Vision, Machine Learning, Structural Dynamics
Journal Papers
[1] Lee, S., Kim, H. and Sim S.-H.* (2022), "Nontarget-based displacement measurement using computer vision and 3D point cloud", Automation in Construction, 142.
[2] Lee, J., Jeong, S., Kim, H., Lee, K.C.* and Sim, S.-H.* (2022), "Comparative study of long-term displacement measurement methods − Focusing on a Pre-stressed concrete bridge under construction", Measurement, 201.
[3] Ahn, E., Kim, H., Gwon, S., Oh, S.-R., Kim, C.-G., Sim, S.-H. and Shin, M.* (2022), "Monitoring of self-healing in concrete with micro-capsules using a combination of air-coupled surface-wave and computer-vision techniques", Structural Health Monitoring, 21(4).
[4] Kim, H., Sim, S.-H. and Spencer, B.F. Jr.* (2022), "Automated concrete crack evaluation using stereo vision with two different focal lengths", Automation in Construction, 135.
[5] Ahn, E., Kim, H., Park, B. and Shin, M.* (2021), "Long-term autogenous healing and re-healing performance in concrete: evaluation using air-coupled surface-wave method", Construction and Building Materials, 307.
[6] Kim, H., Yoon, J., Hong, J. and Sim, S.-H.* (2021), "Automated damage localization and quantification in concrete bridges using point cloud-based surface-fitting strategy", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 35(6).
[7] Jeong, S., Kim, H., Lee, J. and Sim, S.-H.* (2021), "Automated wireless monitoring system for cable forces using deep learning", Structural Health Monitoring, 20(4).
[8] Yoon, J., Kim, H., Sim, S.-H. and Pyo, S.* (2021), "Framework for characterizing the time-dependent volumetric properties of aerated cementitious material", Construction and Building Materials, 284.
[9] Kim, H., Lee, S., Ahn, E., Shin, M. and Sim, S.-H.* (2021), "Crack identification method for concrete structures considering angle of view using RGB-D camera-based sensor fusion", Structural Health Monitoring, 20(2).
[10] Yoon, J., Kim, H., Shin, S.W. and Sim, S.-H.* (2020), "Rheology-based determination of injectable grout fluidity for preplaced aggregate concrete using ultrasonic tomography", Construction and Building Materials, 260.
[11] Kim, H., Yoon, J. and Sim, S.-H.* (2020), "Automated bridge component recognition from point clouds using deep learning", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 27(9).
[12] Yoon, J., Kim, H., Sim, S.-H. and Pyo, S.* (2020), "Characterization of porous cementitious materials using microscopic image processing and X-ray CT analysis", Materials, 13(14).
[13] Yoon, J., Kim, H., Koh, T.* and Pyo, S.* (2020), "Microstructural characteristics of sound absorbable porous cement-based materials by incorporating natural fibers and aluminum powder", Construction and Building Materials, 243.
[14] Kim, H. and Sim, S.-H.* (2019), "Automated peak picking using region-based convolutional neural network for operational modal analysis", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 26(11).
[15] Yoon, J.Y., Kim, H., Lee, Y.-J. and Sim, S.-H.* (2019), "Prediction model for mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete using artificial neural network", Materials, 12(17).
[16] Kim, H., Liu, X., Ahn, E., Shin, M., Shin, S.W. and Sim, S.-H.* (2019), "Performance assessment method for crack repair in concrete using PZT-based electromechanical impedance technique", NDT & E International, 104.
[17] Kim, H., Ahn, E., Shin, M. and Sim, S.-H.* (2019), "Crack and noncrack classification from concrete surface images using machine learning", Structural Health Monitoring, 18(3).
[18] Ahn, E., Gwon, S., Kim, H., Kim, C., Sim, S.-H. and Shin, M.* (2018), "Applicability of diffuse ultrasound to evaluation of the water permeability and chloride ion penetrability of cracked concrete", Sensors, 18(12).
[19] Ahn, E., Kim, H., Sim, S.-H., Shin, S.W., Popovics, J. and Shin, M.* (2018), "Surface-wave based model for estimation of discontinuity depth in concrete", Sensors, 18(9).
[20] Kim, H., Ahn, E., Cho, S., Shin, M. and Sim, S.-H.* (2017), "Comparative analysis of image binarization methods for crack identification in concrete structures", Cement and Concrete Research, 99.
[21] Kim, H., Lee, J., Ahn, E., Cho, S., Shin, M. and Sim, S.-H.* (2017), "Concrete crack identification using a UAV incorporating hybrid image processing", Sensors, 17(9).
[22] Kim, H., Sim, S.-H., Lee, J., Lee, Y.-J.* and Kim, J.-M. (2017), "Flood fragility analysis for bridges with multiple failure modes", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 9(3).
[23] Ahn, E., Kim, H., Sim, S.-H., Shin, S.W.* and Shin, M.* (2017), "Principles and applications of ultrasonic-based nondestructive methods for self-healing in cementitious materials", Materials, 10(3).
[24] Kim, H., Cho, S.* and Sim, S.-H. (2016), "Data fusion of acceleration and angular velocity for improved model updating", Measurement, 91.
[25] Lee, J., Lee, Y.-J.*, Kim, H., Sim, S.-H. and Kim, J.-M. (2016), "A new methodology development for flood fragility curve derivation considering structural deterioration for bridges", Smart Structures and Systems, 17(1).
[26] Palanisamy, R.P., Cho, S.*, Kim, H. and Sim, S.-H. (2015), "Experimental validation of Kalman filter-based strain estimation in structures subjected to non-zero mean input", Smart Structures and Systems, 15(2).
◾ Full-scale structural displacement measurement with camera ego-motion compensation using RGB and LiDAR cameras, MEASUREMENT, vol.237, 2024김현준
◾ Long-term displacement measurement system for bridge bearing capable of camera reposition, MEASUREMENT, vol.235, 2024김현준
◾ Random bridge generator as a platform for developing computer vision-based structural inspection algorithms, Journal of Infrastructure Intelligence and Resilience, vol.3 No.2, 2024김현준
◾ Evaluation of aggregate segregation in self-consolidating concrete using 3D point cloud analysis, JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING, vol.82, 2024김현준
◾ Framework for rapid characterization of fresh properties of cementitious materials using point cloud and machine learning, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.400, 2023김현준
◾ Self-heating characteristics of electrically conductive cement composites with carbon black and carbon fiber, CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, vol.137, 2023김현준
◾ Automated bridge component recognition using close-range images from unmanned aerial vehicles, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, vol.274, 2023김현준
◾ Nontarget-based displacement measurement using LiDAR and camera, AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION, vol.142, 2022김현준
◾ Comparative study of long-term displacement measurement methods- Focusing on a Pre-stressed concrete bridge under construction, MEASUREMENT, vol.201, 2022김현준
◾ Monitoring of self-healing in concrete with micro-capsules using a combination of air-coupled surface wave and computer-vision techniques, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol.21 No.4 pp.1661~1677, 2022김현준
◾ Automated wireless monitoring system for cable tension forces using deep learning, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol.20 No.4 pp.1805~1821, 2021김현준
◾ Crack identification method for concrete structures considering angle of view using RGB-D camera-based sensor fusion, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol.20 No.2 pp.500~512, 2021김현준
◾ Crack and Noncrack Classification from Concrete Surface Images Using Machine Learning, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol.18 No.3 pp.725~738, 2019김현준
Conference Papers
◾ 김현준, Concrete Crack Evaluation using Telephoto/Wide-angle Stereo Vision, Journal of The Korea Institute for Structural Maintenance and Inspection, 제주도, 2023김현준
◾ Hyunjun Kim, Yasutaka Narazaki, Billie F. Spencer, Bridge Component Recognition using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, Structural Health Monitoring Techniques, 서울대학교 글로벌공학교육센터, 2022김현준
Department of Civil Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology
232 Gongneung-ro, Nowon-gu, Seoul, 01811, Korea Tel : +82-2-970-6501
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