 학과소개 교수소개 전임교수
아름관 311호
Univ. of Auckland, Engineering Science, B.E. 2007.
Univ. of Auckland, Engineering Science, M.E. 2009.
KAIST, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Ph.D. 2013.
주요 경력
삼성전자(주) 반도체사업부 책임연구원 (2013.9 ~ 2014.9)
한국건설기술연구원 인프라안전연구본부 수석연구원 (2014.9 ~ 2020.8)
서울과학기술대학교 건설시스템공학과, 조교수 (2020.9 ~ 현재)
연구 분야
스마트건설 및 센서
인공지능 기반 스마트 유지관리
구조물 안전성 모니터링
저널 논문
Na, Wongi S; History data free piezoelectric based non-destructive testing technique for debonding detection of composite structures. Composite Structures 226, 111225. Elsevier. 2019.

Na, Wongi S; Park, Ki-Tae; Toward Creating a Portable Impedance-Based Nondestructive Testing Method for Debonding Damage Detection of Composite Structures. Applied Sciences 9(15), 3189. MDPI. 2019.

Na, Wongi S; Baek, Jongdae; Piezoelectric Impedance-Based Non-Destructive Testing Method for Possible Identification of Composite Debonding Depth. Micromachines 10(9), 621. MDPI. 2019.

Tawie, Rudy; Park, Hee Beom; Baek, Jongdae; Na, Wongi S; Damage detection performance of the electromechanical impedance (emi) technique with various attachment methods on glass fibre composite plates. Sensors 19(5), 1000. MDPI. 2019.

Na, Wongi S; Low cost technique for detecting adhesive debonding damage of glass epoxy composite plate using an impedance based non-destructive testing method. Composite Structures 189, 99-106. Elsevier. 2018.

Na, Wongi S; Baek, Jongdae; A review of the piezoelectric electromechanical impedance based structural health monitoring technique for engineering structures. Sensors 18(5), 1307. MDPI. 2018.

Na, Wongi S; Seo, Dong-Woo; Kim, Byeong-Cheol; Park, Ki-Tae; Effects of applying different resonance amplitude on the performance of the impedance-based health monitoring technique subjected to damage. Sensors 18(7), 2267. MDPI. 2018

Na, Wongi S; Park, Ki-Tae; A cost-effective impedance-based structural health monitoring technique for steel structures by monitoring multiple areas. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 28(2), 154-162. Sage Publications. 2017.

Na, Wongi S; Distinguishing crack damage from debonding damage of glass fiber reinforced polymer plate using a piezoelectric transducer based nondestructive testing method. Composite Structures 159, 517-527. Elsevier. 2017.

Na, Wongi S; Baek, Jongdae; Impedance-based non-destructive testing method combined with unmanned aerial vehicle for structural health monitoring of civil infrastructures. Applied Sciences 7(1), 15. MDPI. 2017.

Park, Eunil; Kim, Ki Joon; Kwon, Sang Jib; Han, Taeil; Na, Wongi S; Del Pobil, Angel P; Economic feasibility of renewable electricity generation systems for local government office: Evaluation of the Jeju special self-governing Province in South Korea. Sustainability 9(1), 82. MDPI. 2017.

Na, Wongi S; Possibility of detecting wall thickness loss using a PZT based structural health monitoring method for metal based pipeline facilities. NDT & E International 88, 42-50. Elsevier. 2017.

Na, Wongi S; Baek, Jongdae; Adhesive Defect Monitoring of Glass Fiber Epoxy Plate Using an Impedance-Based Non-Destructive Testing Method for Multiple Structures. Sensors 17(6), 1439. MDPI. 2017.

Na, Wongi S; Baek, Jongdae; Impedance Based Health Monitoring Technique with Probabilistic Neural Network for Possible Wall Thinning Detection of Metal Structures. Journal of Sensors 2017, Hindawi. 2017.

Na, Wongi S; Lee, Hyeonseok; Experimental investigation for an isolation technique on conducting the electromechanical impedance method in high-temperature pipeline facilities. Journal of Sound and Vibration 383, 210-220. Elsevier. 2016.

Na, Wongi S; Progressive damage detection using the reusable electromechanical impedance method for metal structures with a possibility of weight loss identification. Smart Materials and Structures 25(5), 55039. IOP Publishing. 2016.

Yang, BJ; Na, Sam; Jang, Jeong Gook; Kim, HK; Lee, Haeng-Ki; Thermo-mechanical analysis of road structures used in the on-line electric vehicle system. Structural Engineering and Mechanics 53(3), 519-536. Techno-press. 2015.

Ha, SK; Na, Sam; Bang, YK; Lee, Haeng-Ki; An experimental study on sag-resistance ability and applicability of sprayed FRP system on vertical and overhead concrete surfaces. Materials and Structures 48, 21-33. Springer. 2015.

Na, Sam; Lee, Haeng-Ki; Neural network approach for damaged area location prediction of a composite plate using electromechanical impedance technique. Composites Science and Technology 88, 62-68. Elsevier. 2013.

Na, Sam; Lee, Haeng-Ki; A multi-sensing electromechanical impedance method for non-destructive evaluation of metallic structures. Smart Materials and Structures 22(9), 95011 IOP Publishing. 2013.

Ha, Seong-Kug; Na, Sam; Lee, Haeng-Ki; Bond characteristics of sprayed FRP composites bonded to concrete substrate considering various concrete surface conditions. Composite Structures 100, 270-279. Elsevier. 2013.

Na, Sam; Lee, Haeng-Ki; Steel wire electromechanical impedance method using a piezoelectric material for composite structures with complex surfaces. Composite Structures 98, 79-84. Elsevier. 2013.

Na, Sam; Tawie, Rudy; Lee, Haeng-Ki; Electromechanical impedance method of fiber-reinforced plastic adhesive joints in corrosive environment using a reusable piezoelectric device. Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures 23(7), 737-747. Sage Publications. 2012.

Na, Sam; Lee, Haeng-Ki; A technique for improving the damage detection ability of the electro-mechanical impedance method on concrete structures. Smart Materials and Structures 21(8), 85024. IOP Publishing 2012.

Na, Sam; Lee, Haeng-Ki; Resonant frequency range utilized electro-mechanical impedance method for damage detection performance enhancement on composite structures. Composite Structures 94(8), 2383-2389. Elsevier. 2012.
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◾ Review of Image-Processing-Based Technology for Structural Health Monitoring of Civil Infrastructures, Journal of Imaging, vol.10 No.4, 2024나원기
◾ Development of piezoelectric impedance-based technique for rapid compressive strength measurement of mortar specimen using artificial neural network, Engineering Research Express, vol.6 No.1, 2024나원기
◾ Unmanned Aerial Vehicle-Based Automated Path Generation of Rollers for Smart Construction, Electronics, 2023나원기
◾ An Overview of Drone Applications in the Construction Industry, DRONES, vol.7 No.8, 2023나원기
◾ Implementation of Biomimicry for Detecting Composite Structure Damage Using Impedance-Based Non-Destructive Testing Method, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.13 No.2, 2023나원기
◾ Computational analysis of a collaboration network on human-computer interaction in Korea, MATHEMATICAL BIOSCIENCES AND ENGINEERING, vol.19 No.12 pp.13911~13927, 2022나원기
◾ Development of a portable damage detection system based on electromechanical impedance technique for monitoring of bolted joint structures, JOURNAL OF INTELLIGENT MATERIAL SYSTEMS AND STRUCTURES, 2022나원기
◾ Damage detecting roller device based on electromechanical impedance technique for debonding detection in glass fiber epoxy composite structures, Journal of Engineering Research, 2022나원기
◾ Development of a New Temporary Attachment Technique for Detecting Debonding of a Composite Structure Using Impedance Based Non-Destructive Testing Method, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.11 No.22, 2021나원기
◾ A Review on the Application and Morphology of Organic Corrosion Inhibitors, Journal of Smart Science and Technology, 2021나원기
◾ Automatic Creation of Heuristic-Based Truck Movement Paths for Construction Equipment Control, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.11 No.13, 2021나원기
◾ A portable bolt-loosening detection system with piezoelectric-based nondestructive method and artificial neural networks, Structural Health Monitoring, 2021나원기
◾ Bolt loosening detection using impedance based non-destructive method and probabilistic neural network technique with minimal training data, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, vol.226, 2021나원기
◾ History data free piezoelectric based non-destructive testing technique for debonding detection of composite structures, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, vol.226, 2019나원기
◾ Piezoelectric Impedance-Based Non-Destructive Testing Method for Possible Identification of Composite Debonding Depth, MICROMACHINES, vol.10 No.9, 2019나원기
◾ Toward Creating a Portable Impedance-Based Nondestructive Testing Method for Debonding Damage Detection of Composite Structures, APPLIED SCIENCES-BASEL, vol.9 No.15, 2019나원기
◾ Damage Detection Performance of the Electromechanical Impedance (EMI) Technique with Various Attachment Methods on Glass Fibre Composite Plates, SENSORS, vol.19 No.5, 2019나원기
◾ Effects of Applying Different Resonance Amplitude on the Performance of the Impedance-Based Health Monitoring Technique Subjected to Damage, SENSORS, vol.18 No.7, 2018나원기
◾ A Review of the Piezoelectric Electromechanical Impedance Based Structural Health Monitoring Technique for Engineering Structures, SENSORS, vol.18 No.5, 2018나원기
◾ Low cost technique for detecting adhesive debonding damage of glass epoxy composite plate using an impedance based non-destructive testing method, COMPOSITE STRUCTURES, vol.189 pp.99~106, 2018나원기
◾ 김형진, 김재윤, 김지우, 나원기, 김성근, 건설현장 조건과 건설장비 스펙을 고려한 작업경로 및 선회경로 생성 방법론, 제2회 정기학술대회, 정부세종컨벤션센터, 2023나원기
◾ 김재윤, 김형진, 김지우, 나원기, 김성근, 건설장비 작업구간 선정을 위한 BIM 기반 횡구배 변화 추적 방법, 한국철도학회 추계학술대회 초록집, 제주국제컨벤션센터, 2023나원기
◾ 김재윤, 김형진, 김지우, 나원기, 김성근, 도로 3D 모델 좌표를 활용한 토공 건설장비 작업경로 생성, KSCE 2023 convention, 여수엑스포컨벤션센터, 2023나원기
◾ 김형진, 김재윤, 이주현, 나원기, 인공지능 기법 기반 콘크리트 압축강도 예측 및 신뢰성 검토 연구, 춘계학술대회, 부산항국제전시컨벤션센터 , 2023나원기
◾ 김형진, 심유민, 나원기, 콘크리트 압축강도 예측을 위한 임피던스 기반 비파괴검사 기법 개발 연구, 춘계학술대회, 부산항국제전시컨벤션센터, 2023나원기
◾ 김이슬 장정우 김성근 나원기, C-Map 내비게이션을 위한 롤러 작업 계획 생성 /, 논문집, 부산 컨벤션 센터, 2022나원기
◾ 김형진, 나원기, 표면 부착형 압전소자를 활용한 EMI 기법 신뢰성 연구, 논문집, 부산 컨벤션센터, 2022나원기
◾ 김이슬, 김형진, 나원기, AI기반 자동화 구조물 유지관리를 위한 비파괴검사 기술 개발, 논문집, 부산 컨벤션센터, 2022나원기
◾ 현진오, 장정우, 나원기, 김성근, C-Map 내비게이션을 위한 그레이더 작업 휴리스틱 조사, 논문집, 부산 컨벤션센터, 2022나원기
◾ 김형진, 최희욱, 나원기, 신속 콘크리트 강도 측정을 위한 압전소자 임피던스 기반 기법 개발, 논문집, 경주 더케이호텔, 2022나원기
◾ 김이슬, 이유림, 나원기, 해상풍력 블레이드 손상 감지 자동화를 위한 전기기계적 임피던스 기법 개발, 논문집, 경주 더케이호텔, 2022나원기
◾ 김동호, 김이슬, 나원기, 콘크리트 구조물 강도 측정을 위한 임피던스 기반 압전센서의 성능 검증 연구, 4차 산업혁명 시대의 융복합기술활용방안, ZOOM, 2021나원기
◾ 김이슬, 나원기, 전기기계적 임피던스 기술기반 휴대용 손상감지 시스템 개발, 4차 산업혁명 시대의 융복합기술활용방안, ZOOM, 2021나원기
◾ 김형진, 김이슬, 나원기, 콘크리트 강도 차이에 대한 전기역학적 임피던스 기법의 신호 변화 연구, 4차 산업혁명 시대의 융복합기술활용방안, ZOOM, 2021나원기
시설물의 노후화 수준 평가 시스템 (등록번호:1021240620000), 2020.6

사장케이블의 진동 저감을 위한 부착형 관성마찰댐퍼 (등록번호: 1021117930000), 2020.5

AVM 카메라 기반 터널 내부 고속 측정 시스템 및 그의 터널 내부 고속 측정 방법 (등록번호: 1021064520000), 2020.4

시설물의 노후화 수준 평가를 위한 데이터 확보 시스템 및 그 방법 (등록번호: 1021029570000), 2020.4

무선통신-기반 이동식 단일통행차선 교통신호 제어 시스템 (등록번호: 1020829440000), 2020.2

교량의 진동을 이용한 승하강식 자가발전 가로등 시스템 및 그 제어방법 (등록번호: 1019970990000), 2019.7

드론을 활용한 진동 기반 구조물 손상 감지 시스템 및 그 방법 (등록번호: 1017183100000), 2017.3

콘크리트 구조물 점검 및 진단 프로세스 고도화 기술 개발, 한국건설기술연구원, (2020)

프리텐션을 이용한 기존 콘크리트 구조물의 급속개량 및 성능향상 기술 개발, 한국건설기술연구원, (2020)

차세대 스마트시티 융합클러스터, 국가과학기술연구회, (2016)
◾ 우수교육상(전임), 2022학년도 교육분야 우수교원, 서울과학기술대학교, 2023나원기
기타(학회활동 등)
◆ 수상
우수연구자 논문상, 한국건설기술연구원, 2018
기술논문(TP센터) 최우수상, 삼성전자, 2014
논문 최우수상, American Concrete Institute(ACI), 2013
First class honors(M.E), Univ. of Auckland, 2009

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