 학과소개 교수소개 전임교수
아름관 329호
Ph.D. : UNIST, 도시환경공학과, 2020
B.S. : UNIST, 도시환경공학부, 2014
주요 경력
2022.08-현재 : 서울과학기술대학교 건설시스템공학과 조교수
2021.03-2022.07 : University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Civil and Environmental Engineering, 박사후연구원
2020.03-2021.02 : 성균관대학교, 건설환경공학부, 박사후연구원
연구 분야
구조물 건전성 모니터링, 컴퓨터비전, 머신러닝, 구조동역학
저널 논문
[1] Lee, S., Kim, H. and Sim S.-H.* (2022), "Nontarget-based displacement measurement using computer vision and 3D point cloud", Automation in Construction, 142.
[2] Lee, J., Jeong, S., Kim, H., Lee, K.C.* and Sim, S.-H.* (2022), "Comparative study of long-term displacement measurement methods − Focusing on a Pre-stressed concrete bridge under construction", Measurement, 201.
[3] Ahn, E., Kim, H., Gwon, S., Oh, S.-R., Kim, C.-G., Sim, S.-H. and Shin, M.* (2022), "Monitoring of self-healing in concrete with micro-capsules using a combination of air-coupled surface-wave and computer-vision techniques", Structural Health Monitoring, 21(4).
[4] Kim, H., Sim, S.-H. and Spencer, B.F. Jr.* (2022), "Automated concrete crack evaluation using stereo vision with two different focal lengths", Automation in Construction, 135.
[5] Ahn, E., Kim, H., Park, B. and Shin, M.* (2021), "Long-term autogenous healing and re-healing performance in concrete: evaluation using air-coupled surface-wave method", Construction and Building Materials, 307.
[6] Kim, H., Yoon, J., Hong, J. and Sim, S.-H.* (2021), "Automated damage localization and quantification in concrete bridges using point cloud-based surface-fitting strategy", Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 35(6).
[7] Jeong, S., Kim, H., Lee, J. and Sim, S.-H.* (2021), "Automated wireless monitoring system for cable forces using deep learning", Structural Health Monitoring, 20(4).
[8] Yoon, J., Kim, H., Sim, S.-H. and Pyo, S.* (2021), "Framework for characterizing the time-dependent volumetric properties of aerated cementitious material", Construction and Building Materials, 284.
[9] Kim, H., Lee, S., Ahn, E., Shin, M. and Sim, S.-H.* (2021), "Crack identification method for concrete structures considering angle of view using RGB-D camera-based sensor fusion", Structural Health Monitoring, 20(2).
[10] Yoon, J., Kim, H., Shin, S.W. and Sim, S.-H.* (2020), "Rheology-based determination of injectable grout fluidity for preplaced aggregate concrete using ultrasonic tomography", Construction and Building Materials, 260.
[11] Kim, H., Yoon, J. and Sim, S.-H.* (2020), "Automated bridge component recognition from point clouds using deep learning", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 27(9).
[12] Yoon, J., Kim, H., Sim, S.-H. and Pyo, S.* (2020), "Characterization of porous cementitious materials using microscopic image processing and X-ray CT analysis", Materials, 13(14).
[13] Yoon, J., Kim, H., Koh, T.* and Pyo, S.* (2020), "Microstructural characteristics of sound absorbable porous cement-based materials by incorporating natural fibers and aluminum powder", Construction and Building Materials, 243.
[14] Kim, H. and Sim, S.-H.* (2019), "Automated peak picking using region-based convolutional neural network for operational modal analysis", Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 26(11).
[15] Yoon, J.Y., Kim, H., Lee, Y.-J. and Sim, S.-H.* (2019), "Prediction model for mechanical properties of lightweight aggregate concrete using artificial neural network", Materials, 12(17).
[16] Kim, H., Liu, X., Ahn, E., Shin, M., Shin, S.W. and Sim, S.-H.* (2019), "Performance assessment method for crack repair in concrete using PZT-based electromechanical impedance technique", NDT & E International, 104.
[17] Kim, H., Ahn, E., Shin, M. and Sim, S.-H.* (2019), "Crack and noncrack classification from concrete surface images using machine learning", Structural Health Monitoring, 18(3).
[18] Ahn, E., Gwon, S., Kim, H., Kim, C., Sim, S.-H. and Shin, M.* (2018), "Applicability of diffuse ultrasound to evaluation of the water permeability and chloride ion penetrability of cracked concrete", Sensors, 18(12).
[19] Ahn, E., Kim, H., Sim, S.-H., Shin, S.W., Popovics, J. and Shin, M.* (2018), "Surface-wave based model for estimation of discontinuity depth in concrete", Sensors, 18(9).
[20] Kim, H., Ahn, E., Cho, S., Shin, M. and Sim, S.-H.* (2017), "Comparative analysis of image binarization methods for crack identification in concrete structures", Cement and Concrete Research, 99.
[21] Kim, H., Lee, J., Ahn, E., Cho, S., Shin, M. and Sim, S.-H.* (2017), "Concrete crack identification using a UAV incorporating hybrid image processing", Sensors, 17(9).
[22] Kim, H., Sim, S.-H., Lee, J., Lee, Y.-J.* and Kim, J.-M. (2017), "Flood fragility analysis for bridges with multiple failure modes", Advances in Mechanical Engineering, 9(3).
[23] Ahn, E., Kim, H., Sim, S.-H., Shin, S.W.* and Shin, M.* (2017), "Principles and applications of ultrasonic-based nondestructive methods for self-healing in cementitious materials", Materials, 10(3).
[24] Kim, H., Cho, S.* and Sim, S.-H. (2016), "Data fusion of acceleration and angular velocity for improved model updating", Measurement, 91.
[25] Lee, J., Lee, Y.-J.*, Kim, H., Sim, S.-H. and Kim, J.-M. (2016), "A new methodology development for flood fragility curve derivation considering structural deterioration for bridges", Smart Structures and Systems, 17(1).
[26] Palanisamy, R.P., Cho, S.*, Kim, H. and Sim, S.-H. (2015), "Experimental validation of Kalman filter-based strain estimation in structures subjected to non-zero mean input", Smart Structures and Systems, 15(2).
◾ Automated Mineral Identification of Pozzolanic Materials Using XRD Patterns, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS IN CIVIL ENGINEERING, vol.36 No.12, 2024김현준
◾ Development of large-scale synthetic 3D point cloud datasets for vision-based bridge structural condition assessment, ADVANCES IN STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING, vol.27 No.16 pp.2901~2928, 2024김현준
◾ Full-scale structural displacement measurement with camera ego-motion compensation using RGB and LiDAR cameras, MEASUREMENT, vol.237, 2024김현준
◾ Long-term displacement measurement system for bridge bearing capable of camera reposition, MEASUREMENT, vol.235, 2024김현준
◾ Random bridge generator as a platform for developing computer vision-based structural inspection algorithms, Journal of Infrastructure Intelligence and Resilience, vol.3 No.2, 2024김현준
◾ Evaluation of aggregate segregation in self-consolidating concrete using 3D point cloud analysis, JOURNAL OF BUILDING ENGINEERING, vol.82, 2024김현준
◾ Framework for rapid characterization of fresh properties of cementitious materials using point cloud and machine learning, CONSTRUCTION AND BUILDING MATERIALS, vol.400, 2023김현준
◾ Self-heating characteristics of electrically conductive cement composites with carbon black and carbon fiber, CEMENT & CONCRETE COMPOSITES, vol.137, 2023김현준
◾ Automated bridge component recognition using close-range images from unmanned aerial vehicles, ENGINEERING STRUCTURES, vol.274, 2023김현준
◾ Nontarget-based displacement measurement using LiDAR and camera, AUTOMATION IN CONSTRUCTION, vol.142, 2022김현준
◾ Comparative study of long-term displacement measurement methods- Focusing on a Pre-stressed concrete bridge under construction, MEASUREMENT, vol.201, 2022김현준
◾ Monitoring of self-healing in concrete with micro-capsules using a combination of air-coupled surface wave and computer-vision techniques, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol.21 No.4 pp.1661~1677, 2022김현준
◾ Automated wireless monitoring system for cable tension forces using deep learning, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol.20 No.4 pp.1805~1821, 2021김현준
◾ Crack identification method for concrete structures considering angle of view using RGB-D camera-based sensor fusion, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol.20 No.2 pp.500~512, 2021김현준
◾ Crack and Noncrack Classification from Concrete Surface Images Using Machine Learning, STRUCTURAL HEALTH MONITORING-AN INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL, vol.18 No.3 pp.725~738, 2019김현준
◾ 안태준, 김현준, 디지털 카메라와 레이저 거리계를 결합한 논타겟 비전 기반 교량 변위 측정, 2024 대한토목학회 정기학술대회, 제주도, 2024김현준
◾ 박정선, 김현준, Hierarchical Localization 기반 교량 손상 위치 식별 및 모니터링, 2024 대한토목학회 정기학술대회, 제주도, 2024김현준
◾ 김현준, 소형 LiDAR를 활용한 카메라 모션 보정 기반 변위 계측, 2024 대한토목학회 정기학술대회, 제주도, 2024김현준
◾ 김현준, 망원/광각 스테레오 비전을 활용한 콘크리트 균열평가, 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회, 제주도, 2023김현준
◾ Hyunjun Kim, Yasutaka Narazaki, Billie F. Spencer, 무인항공기를 활용한 교량 부재 인식, 구조물 건전성 모니터링 기술, 서울대학교 글로벌공학교육센터, 2022김현준
[1] Apparatus and method for measuring a crack in a concrete surface (20190822, 10-2015706, Korean Intellectual Property Office)
[2] Apparatus and method for estimating grain size distribution based on image data (20190522, 10-1983476, Korean Intellectual Property Office)
[3] Development of a UAV-based concrete crack assessment system (20171019, 10-1789982, Korean Intellectual Property Office)
기타(학회활동 등)
[1] The IASCM Kobori Prize 2021 (International Association for Structural Control and Monitoring, 2021)
[2] A principal investigator of postdoctoral fellowship program (National Research Foundation of Korea, 2020)
[3] Best paper award (Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2018)
[4] Track contribution award (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology, 2018)
[5] Best paper award (International Symposium on Life-cycle Engineering and Sustainability of Infrastructure, 2017)
[6] Best paper award (Korean Society of Civil Engineers, 2015)

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